


Grayson Moon


Empire”, the newest single from Baltimore-based soulful indie singer Grayson Moon, is nothing short of a battle hymn played on the journey of self reflection. 

It’s the song you hear inside your heart on a quiet morning while watching the rain run down the window panes.  It’s the song you hear inside your head when the universe gives you the green-light on a decision you’ve been dragging your feet on making.  It’s the song you feel in your chest when you find the confidence in yourself to take the first step on the path you were always met to be on. 

Grayson combines melodic rhythms and harmonies to create a haunting yet uplifting chorus by blending acoustic guitar, breadcrumbs, ambient and environmental noises from nature and physical touch as well as those smooth vocals. 

“Empire” is a song that makes me want to wrap up in a large flannel, yank a beanie over my ears, get in my car and drive with the windows down on a crisp fall morning with the heat blasting on my feet. 

“You know the feeling.”


As heard by: Kaitlin Newman
